Moon-Neptune in tense alignments combines the emotions, home, family and nurturance associated with the Moon archetype, with the spirituality, porousness, and enchantment associated with the Neptune archetype.
The challenges: the idealization (Neptune) of those we are emotionally intimate with (Moon) that can sometimes lead to exhausting oneself to selflessly serve (Neptune) them. Having porous (Neptune) emotional barriers (Moon) that allow in unsolicited emotional material.
The strengths: the dissolving (Neptune) of emotional boundaries (Moon) that can be reflected as emotional union. the ability to commune with the divine (Neptune) mother (Moon) through acts of selfless (Neptune) nurturing (Moon).
Below are examples of famous people born with this combination in their natal charts (natal chart is another word for astrological birth chart, or pictographic representation of the sky when they were born). When we witness how this combination shows up in the lives of others, we can become more self-aware of how this combination shows up in our own lives. The more we are conscious of the ways astrological alignments (otherwise known as “aspects”) show up in our lives, the more the archetypal tensions involved can become integrated in our lives, thus revealing inherent strengths to us.
Please note that the tension of this archetypal combination, as illustrated in the lives and creations of the famous people in the examples below, may be demonstrated in ways that are more integrated or less integrated.
The Moon-Neptune combination creates a porous boundary (Neptune) to the emotions (Moon), thus allowing for the compassion and empathy seen in the following quotes of the 14th Dalai Lama, who was born with the Moon-Neptune combination in his chart. “You must not hate those who do wrong or harmful things; but with compassion, you must do what you can to stop them — for they are harming themselves, as well as those who suffer from their actions.” “When we are motivated by compassion and wisdom, the results of our actions benefit everyone, not just our individual selves or some immediate convenience.” “A truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change even if they behave negatively or hurt you.” “Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”
For an in-depth analysis of the Moon-Neptune combination, see the example of musician Rihanna (who was born with this combination in her birth chart) in my ebook The Paradigm Shift Support Manual, which can be downloaded for free here.
Both actress Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark in the HBO series Game of Thrones, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, were born when the Moon was aligned with Neptune. As well as symbolizing emotions, the Moon also symbolizes women and the mother. Neptune is associated with idealization and selfless sacrifice. When a planet aligns with Neptune, Neptune lends to the symbolism of that planet a heavenly “shine.” In the example of Williams and Ocasio-Cortez both women publicly idealize their mothers and praise the sacrifices that their mothers made to support them. And both women are perceived by the collective as “ideal” women in their own right.
When actress Olivia Munn, born with Moon and Neptune aligned in her natal chart, was a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres show, Munn said of her budding friendship with Ellen, “We’re adorable—this friendship.” She reached over and took Ellen DeGeneres hand. About sharing their phone numbers she tells Ellen DeGeneres, “You’re gonna regret that. I’m gonna call you all the time. I’m like, did you have the same dream I had last night, Ellen?” Her warning that she will be calling all the time and her fantasy (Neptune) that Ellen DeGeneres shares the same dreams (Neptune) with her both demonstrate Neptune’s tendency to dissolve boundaries in the Moon’s emotional bonding. Describing emotional bonding that is patently Neptunian, she says, “We’re gonna go, like, scuba diving.”
Olympic gold medal wrestler, Henry Cejudo, demonstrates his Moon-Neptune in his natal chart, in his very touching account of a profoundly healing experience on a psychedelic substance, in which he reconnected with his spiritual union (Neptune) with his mother (Moon) and his spiritual longing (Neptune) for his emotional connection to his mother (Moon):
The Moon-Neptune combination can reflect a desire to nurture others (Moon) in a way that is devotional and selfless (Neptune). Comedian Vanessa Bayers offers a comedic take on this quality of the Moon-Neptune combination in her natal chart in the following Saturday Night Live parody commercials for a snack called “Totinos:” Other Moon-Neptune themes in this clip include confusing (Neptune) infantilization of women (Moon), otherworldly and bizarre experiences (Neptune) with family (Moon), and particularly longing (Neptune) for emotional connection (Moon) and the idealization (Neptune) of another woman (Moon), played by actor Kristen Stewart, also born with the Moon-Neptune combination in her natal chart.
The Moon-Neptune combination can be seen reflected in a spiritual (Neptune) return to the womb of the mother (Moon), in which all boundaries between oneself and the divine mother (Neptune-Moon) are dissolved (Neptune). The Indian Saint, Sri Anandamayi Ma, who was born with this combination in her birth chart, captures this experience in the following quote, in which we also see emotions (Moon) connected in metaphor to water (Neptune):
“When by the flood of your tears
the inner and the outer have fused into one,
you will find Her whom you
sought with such anguish,
nearer than the nearest,
the very breath of life,
the very core of every heart.”
The experience of dissolving boundaries between a mother and a child that often occurs with the Moon-Neptune combination, is well illustrated in the following clip of actress Uma Thurman, who was born with this combination in her natal chart:
The association of Neptune with the archetypal well of imagery from which comes all inspiration and imagination, can be seen in the case of Mirra Alfassa, born with the Moon-Neptune combination in her birth chart. Mirra Alfassa became a spiritual initiate of the Indian Guru Sri Aurobindo. From that time forward she became known only as “The Mother,” thus reflecting her Moon-Neptune combination in her birth chart as the archetypal spiritual (Neptune) mother (Moon).